Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Week 39-Baby is the size of a WATERMELON!

WEEK 39! Woo hoo! I never thought I'd make it this far!!! But I am proud of myself that I am able to carry a baby this long, and remain healthy still.  At my weekly appointment, I was dilated to 1.5cm, which was progress from last week! But she was still very high and has not dropped into the birth canal yet.  Doctor is worried that she may be too big to fit through the birth canal so he has scheduled an ultrasound to measure her weight.  Hoping I don't make it to that appointment! :)

How far along? 39 Weeks
Total weight gain: Gained 4 lbs.
Maternity clothes? oh yes
Stretch marks? None! 
Sleep: Waking up frequently to pee!!  
Best moment this week: My dear friend Michelle came to  visit from Yakima!  It was so good to spend time with a girlfriend before Ellie arrives!   
Miss Anything? Really craving a martini!!!    
Movement: Lots! 
Food cravings: Reeses Peanut Butter cups! With Halloween candy in stores's bad news! 
Anything making you queasy or sick: No! Thankfully it has stopped!
Gender: Girl! 

Labor Signs: Lots of "practice contractions"
Symptoms: Lots of heartburn still. Sore back, hips, and pelvis.
Belly Button in or out? Starting to poke out!! But mostly flat!
Wedding rings on or off? OFF! Breaks my heart! 

Happy or Moody most of the time: So unbelievably happy!
Looking forward to: Ultrasound! :) 

Friday, August 31, 2012

Week 38-Baby is as long as a LEEK!!!

How far along? 38 Weeks
Total weight gain: Gained 2 lbs.
Maternity clothes? oh yes
Stretch marks? None! 
Sleep: Harder!! 
Best moment this week: Hmm...I think finishing her room and packing her hospital bag was best!  
Miss Anything? Not really...I think I'm really going to miss being pregnant.   
Movement: Lots! 
Food cravings: Fruit!  
Anything making you queasy or sick: Heartburn at night is making me throw up.
Gender: Girl! 

Labor Signs: Lots of "practice contractions"
Symptoms: Lots of heartburn still. Sore back, hips, and pelvis.
Belly Button in or out? Starting to poke out!!
Wedding rings on or off? OFF! 

Happy or Moody most of the time: So unbelievably happy!
Looking forward to: Doctor appointment next week, hopefully made some progress!

Here are some more maternity pictures!! 

Monday, August 27, 2012

Week 37-Baby is FULL TERM!!!

I can't believe we are in the final weeks!!! I am SO ready to meet our baby girl!!! We went to the doctor today and it seems like Ellie is perfectly content staying where she is.  While my cervix is softening, I am not dilated and she's still pretty high.  I, originally, was really discouraged and bummed about this report.  But I've accepted that she obviously is not ready to come out and she will come when she's ready! Hopefully she has her mom and dad's punctuality! :-)

I've been getting quite uncomfortable these days.  My back has started to hurt, my hips hurt, and sleep just isn't coming as easily as is used to.  I've been trying to walk every day, hoping that will maybe get her movin! No such luck.

This past weekend we had maternity pictures.  I really debated if I should even have these photos taken.  But, I have really enjoyed this experience and I truly feel beautiful and wanted to capture that! These are a few of the previews.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Week 36-Baby is the size of a WATERMELON!!!!

How far along? 36 Weeks
Total weight gain: Gained .4 of a pound! :) 
Maternity clothes? oh yes
Stretch marks? None! 
Sleep: Frequent peeing! Started taking a bath before bed, that has helped!  
Best moment this week: Baby shower!! 
Miss Anything? Really craving a tuna fish sandwich!  
Movement: Lots! 
Food cravings: Sweets! Cookies! 
Anything making you queasy or sick: NO! Thank goodness!
Gender: Girl! 

Labor Signs: Lots of "practice contractions"
Symptoms: Lots of heartburn still. Sore back, hips, and pelvis.
Belly Button in or out? Flat as can be!
Wedding rings on or off? OFF! 

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Her arrival!!!!

I had my baby shower this past weekend.  It was absolutely INCREDIBLE!!! My dear friend Ashley Walters did such a great job.  I was surrounded by my closest friends and family and was overwhelmed by the love shown to Ellie and myself! 

My dear friend Ashley and I! 

My amazing mom and future Grandma O'Hollaren! 

My friend Liz has an amazing camera and asked if she could take some pictures of me while we were at a wedding.  I was so pleased! This has been such an amazing experience and I am so glad I've documented my growth throughout it! I have maternity pictures with Emily Hannon Photography this Friday.  

So excited for the next couple of weeks! Next doctor's appointment is on Monday! :-)

Friday, August 17, 2012

Week 35-Baby weighs as much as a HONEYDEW MELON!

How far along? 35 Weeks
Total weight gain: Just now at my pre-pregnancy weight! 
Maternity clothes? oh yes
Stretch marks? None! 
Sleep: Still hard.  I'm tired, but can't go to sleep! 
Best moment this week: Working more on her room!
Miss Anything? Sure, I miss things... but I can't believe this is almost over! 
Movement: Lots! 
Food cravings: Sweets! Cookies! 
Anything making you queasy or sick: NO! Thank goodness!
Gender: Girl! 

Labor Signs: Lots of "practice contractions"
Symptoms: Lots of heartburn still.
Belly Button in or out? Flat as can be!
Wedding rings on or off? OFF! I went to a wedding this past weekend and when the pastor was talking about the symbols of a wedding rings, I cried! I hate not being able to wear them. 

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Her arrival!!!! 

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Week 34-Baby is the size of a SMALL PUMPKIN!!!

How far along? 34 Weeks
Total weight gain: Gained 2 pounds this month, so I'm now 4 pounds away from being back at my pre pregnancy weight! 
Maternity clothes? oh yes
Stretch marks? None! Doctor is very impressed! :)
Sleep: More and more difficult! Peeing about 4 times per night.
Best moment this week: O'Hollaren family baby shower, AND 2 year wedding anniversary! 
Miss Anything? Sleeping through the night, sitting comfortably, Mikes Hard Lemonade 
Movement: Feeling more "rolls" than kicks these days! 
Food cravings: Chinese food this week!! 
Anything making you queasy or sick: NO! Thank goodness!
Gender: sweet baby girl

Labor Signs: Lots of "practice contractions"
Symptoms: Lots of heartburn still.
Belly Button in or out? Flat as can be!
Wedding rings on or off? OFF! One of the worst parts of pregnancy I think...I feel so naked without it.  Josh bought me a promise ring on our 1 year anniversary (7 years ago) and I have worn a ring every day since then.  I can't wait til I can wear it again! 

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Last Baby Shower with all of my friends next Sunday! :)

At less than two months to go, she weighs in at about 5.8 pounds and measures about 17.2 to 18.7 inches.  She's recognizing and reacting to simple songs, if I'm singing them. She's also urinating about a pint a day. Haha!! So crazy!!! We are totally done with her room and are just counting down the days now!!! :) 

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Week 33-Baby is the size of a PINEAPPLE!!!

We made it to week 33! Hard to believe I will be full term in just 4 weeks! We are getting even MORE excited to meet sweet Ellie as the days go by! Her room is almost completely finished and the nesting phase has begun! I find myself wanting to clean everything, but having the energy to clean nothing! Haha.
This past Saturday we had the Baby Shower for my family.  It was a great day filled with yummy food, good conversation and just an overall celebration of Ellie's upcoming arrival.  We also took an infant feeding and care class this past week.  We learned how to change a diaper (Josh did it under 7 seconds!), how to swaddle her, and all about breast feeding! It was fun!

This week, she weighs about 5.8 pounds and measures about 18.7 inches. And she may grow up to a full inch this week -- amazing. She is able to keep her eyes open while she's awake, she's begun to coordinate breathing while swallowing, and her bones have begun to harden!